Stay active, fit, and healthy!
We look forward to seeing you at the Body Shoppe this winter.
Avoid common winter injuries!
Prevent the most prevalent injuries that occur during the winter months by staying fit and active all year long.
Ask the Trainer
Fitness questions: E-mail Trish@route10bodyshoppe.com You will receive a response within 24-48 hours.
Protect your back during winter activities
With winter comes a storm of back injuries.
Here are some non-sports related injuries in the cold-weather months – and how these injuries can be prevented.

Shoveling - We can easily throw our backs out by shoveling heavy snow, therefore it's important to strengthen your core and
improve your balance.

Warm up your body and perform light stretching exercises before heading outside
Strength train regularly, 2-3 days per week.
PUSH snow away and avoid twisting.

Ice can accumulate quickly and can be a real challenge for anyone.
Perform yoga or balance exercises three times per week to condition your body.
Wear non slip shoes and slow your pace during the colder winter months.
Falls can cause major spine damage including spinal cord injury.
Condition your body by engaging in a strength training program 2-3 days per week.
A strong core will help you avoid injuries while feeling and looking great in the warmer months!
Health Tip of the Month
Water is essential to great Health. Stay hydrated!
Know the Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration.
We do not think of dehydration in colder months as often as we may in warmer times, but you can become dehydrated in the winter months.. Know the symptoms of dehydration. It usually begin with thirst and progress to more alarming manifestations as the need for water increases. The initial signs and symptoms in adults appear when the body has lost about 2% of it's total fluid. These mild dehydration symptoms are often (but not limited to):
Loss of appetite
Dry skin
Skin flushing
Dark colored urine
Fatigue or weakness